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IMESA on the bike

“….E tramonta questo giorno in arancione 
e si gonfia di ricordi che non sai
mi piace restar qui sullo stradone
impolverato, se tu vuoi andare, vai…

e vai che io sto qui e aspetto Bartali
scalpitando sui miei sandali
da quella curva spunterà
quel naso triste da italiano allegro…”
(from “Bartali” by Paolo Conte)


What poem but this can describe the emotions, the fatigue, and the history of italian cycling?
Bartali, in a Tuscan surname is enclosed an all-Italian story.

Cycling is part of our nation, not just sports.
It is the sport of asphalt, of climbs and descents, of the mountains and the sea, of rain and the unbearable heat, of the fans at the roadside.

This is the sport that IMESA is happy to promote in this 2022 in which finally also the sport “of all and for all” can start again.
IMESA has joined the B&P Cycling Academy So.L.Me. – Olmo 2022 family, supporting the UNDER 23 TEAM, 10 athletes, each with its qualities, its potential and its dreams of glory.

We wish them, the trainers and the whole organization a wonderful sporting season and great satisfaction.