Welcome to the place where cleanliness becomes an art and training an unforgettable experience.
CLEANHUB is IMESA’s Academy, a market leader in the design and supply of industrial laundry systems.
CLEANHUB is the beating heart of our company. Here, training and relationships intertwine to create a unique experience in the world of industrial laundry. Our Academy is, in fact, an exclusive initiative in the sector, offering a full immersion in the art of cleanliness, understanding the processes, steps, performance, and the most innovative aspects.
A true hub where innovation in technology and processes is a mission for shared growth.
Our training program is comprehensive, personalized, and engaging, enhancing active listening and dialogue, while transferring practical, truly useful know-how.
Sustainability and excellence are rewarded in our washing process, which we invite you to discover.
The Academy is also a formidable tool for relationship-building and collaboration, fostering new synergies and performance improvements.
Discover our cleaning process chain that ensures fabric longevity over time
Knowledge of the fabric to be treated
Correct washing, drying, and ironing programs
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Are you a company interested in visiting us and discovering the potential offered by CLEANHUB?
Contact us to experience cleanliness first-hand and find out how we can help you, giving you an advantage in achieving new standards of quality, performance and savings.
Imesa is a leading Italian manufacturer in the world of industrial laundry. For over 50 years, Imesa has been designing, producing, and selling washing machines, dryers, tandem solutions, flatwork ironers and drying ironers, with unparalleled customer service and the exclusive CLEANHUB Academy.